Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Your Tax Dollars at Work

The National Archives have created a really interesting interface to be able to peruse 1,200 historical documents and photographs from their "vault" of over 10BB records at It's really slick and every artifact is tagged to allow good reference searching on a topic of interest (like the civil war, kennedy, etc).

What I find most compelling from a digital market perspective is how the National Archives is using the web, and very a non-traditional navigation architecture, to create a "Brand" for itself by developing a great immersive experience, not just creating a public service announcement that you might find in the back of a magazine. I just wish it had more video and web 2.0 functionality (there's no feedback or commentary or sharing capability for instance). But it does point out to me how the traditional "C-Frame" navigation and user experience architecture is slowly melting away.