Saturday, March 08, 2008

Online Hearing Test

This has been cruising across the advertising blogosphere. It's an online hearing test from the Norwegian Red Cross. In just 3 minutes you can find out the status of your hearing. Check it out here, well done.

Friday, March 07, 2008

A Package That Lights Up the Shelf

Packaging that lights up and looks like a mini lava lamp, pretty cool. NXT is a new product hitting the shelves with some ingenious packaging. I'm actually surprised that there isn't anything else like this on the market. Here is the full article: A package that lights itself up

Monday, March 03, 2008

Shave My Yeti.

Polartec just made me laugh and i thought i'd share the fun. This isn't a new site, but it's still a good one. The whole scenario with him running through the park is just ridiculous. It's a must see.

Shave My Yeti.