Saturday, March 15, 2008

MOMA - Design and the elastic mind

Friday, March 14, 2008

The next generation of web technology is likely to be far more powerful than the current crop

Here's a great article on what we can expect online in the future, a whole new way that data is used : check it out here

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Social Networking Vs. Content.

Great article at AdAge. Since the 90's content has always been king online and even though the social revolution has been getting all the buzz the past few years, it's interesting to see where things really lie.

When It Comes to Time Spent Online, Content Trumps Community

Echo Gets Adopted

We do a lot of interactive work for Pedigree and this is a big part of the offline campaign. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Make a clickable facebook t-shirt. (What?)

Add to friends gear, it's a facebook/QR thing.

QR Codes Go Global

Here is a great article over at CScout on QR codes. It's pretty much everything you need to know (for now). QR codes are a really exciting marketing opportunity for interactive, retail and marketers in general. We're probably just ahead of the curve as far as implementing a true QR campaign, but hey -- it's good to dream and prepare, the day will be here very soon. QR Codes go global.