Saturday, February 02, 2008

Pedigree Million Dog Mosaic

Show your support. Pedigree will donate a dollar for each photo that is uploaded to the Million Dog Mosaic. Check it out!

starting out

the moose can last a month or, then get switched out with other cool photography. it's a creative way to keep things fresh and also show off photography, agency parties, personalities, etc.

here's a test grabbing the embed code from a youtube page.. it's there for the taking. try it out. It is also easy to post a video from your compter, just load it up to the blog.


you tube test

test 2

Ok, I like the moose. who can argue with a moose. i'd like to talk about wine. and the terrible presence that most wine brands have online. I mean comeon, the freakin Gallos, Ernest and Julio themselves can only come up with this: