Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tip of the Iceberg for Mobile Apps and Retail

6 Mobile Apps That Evolve The Shopping Experience

AdAge picks 6 of their favorite mobile apps that are evolving the retail experience. Mobile shapes the shopping experience by not being either "online" or "offline". Mobile further demonstrates how the experience becomes more engaging, more immediate and the brand more connected to the consumer.

Retailers who's floor staff are paid on commission and therefore not working to access the greatest amount of information (via online or mobile) are selling their own expertise short in the mind of the consumer.

Are you wondering why make the effort to actively pursue the customer at every touchpoint? Because you may lose the sale if you don't. The digital experience should be mapped out in this 360 world to help prioritize what content should be created, organized and served up to the consumer.

Read the original article on AdAge here: http://bit.ly/9tEO1n .