Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tivo to Try Something New with Amazon

Interactivity doesn't stop at web and/or mobile technology. It looks like T.V. advertising is in for quite the face lift. Let's face it, with the web constantly blooming, it's becoming harder and harder for T.V. commercials to make their mark, and effectively, at that.

So, what's the plan? With the TiVo remote, users will be able to buy the products being advertised, with the help of Amazon as a partner. This is believed to enrich the overall viewer experience and will not distract the consumer from their favorite program (that's the beauty of TiVo)....

It's still risky, however...

"As DVRs get more popular, 'the majority of commercials in home will be fast-forwarded through,' he said. 'It is critical that there be a form of advertising and a transactional solution that underpins the DVR, or the economics of television are going to be substantially undermined.”