Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Google+: Facebook Adversary, or Flash in the Pan?

With 1.8 million visits in less than a month since it’s beta release, Google+ is hardly busting down Facebook’s doors. In fact, those visits only represent less than 0.5% of Facebook’s traffic during the same time frame. So when and why should marketers start paying attention to it? The answer to the first question is now. Why? Because it’s growing. It’s important to understand that even though it’s only reached a small percent of Facebook’s traffic, that it is still in beta testing, and only reachable via invite. Once the general population gains access, site traffic can only go up. Marketers need to fish where the fish are, and if consumers are migrating over to Google+ (which they may very well do so, as it’s billed as being a much easier platform for users to share content), then it would be wise to start exploring now.

It will be interesting to see how much traction Google+ gains, especially once released into the wild. We should start paying attention now. We know Facebook will be.

Have you started playing with Google+ yet?