Saturday, January 10, 2009

Digital Signage Secret.

We came across this very attractive digital signage at the show. It featured a simple dissolve between content and specifications. It was clean and quite effective.

Upon closer observation, we realized that this shiny little object was just some simple, almost store bought technology fabricated to be a bit more useful.

I think the picture below speaks for itself, a basic digital picture frame, but modified. Just upload it with images and walla! Instant in-store digital signage.


motionstream said...

very interesting, was this at CES?

Can you tell us which product was used?

We are from Digital Signage Universe

CitizenMags said...

Yes this was at CES. Unfortunately, i didn't notice the brand of the display. The reason i didn't look any further was because it was obviously a simple digital picture frame with 4-5 media type inputs. From what I've seen they are all very similar. If you look closely on the back shot you can see the arm that would prop up the frame. They looked fantastic though.