Friday, March 13, 2009

If They Don't Hear It, Say It Louder...

... and if don't see it, MAKE IT BIGGER! That's the latest initiative from the Online Publishers Association in an attempt to combat desensitivity to online banner ads. In an effort to maintain an evolution in online advertising, and create new ways for agencies to integrate a brand's experience with more interactivity, three new online ad units have been introduced. These ad units will be available through nearly two dozen OPA participating members including New York Times,, MTV Networks and Wall Street Journal, whose combined reach is over 108.3 million unique visitors (that's 66% of the total US internet audience).
Read on to get the skinny on the creative objectives of this initiative and all the deets on the new creative units that will be available in early July!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

re: iPhone Forrester Study

A recent Forrester study supports the previous post. iPhone apps ranked highest for web browsing for convenience by on the go consumers followed by other Mobile apps, with mobile web surfing ranking at the bottom.

500MM Apps downloaded and rapdily counting.

Looking forward to the Blackberry App World!

iPhone has huge mobile browsing saturation

This doesn't come as much surprise. After all, the iPhone was the first mobile web browser that gave users the Internet in full (albeit Flashless), pinchable form. Arguably, it still is the best game in town. At least until the Palm Pre releases.

66% is a big number. And makes it even more important to think about iPhone-friendly sites as a part of a bigger interactive strategy.

Now where's that Flash anyway, Apple?

Intel: Programmable Matter is in the future.

I know this blog isn't necessarily "popular mechanics", but this technology really just makes me realize what dramatic changes that we and especially our kids will see in the future. Here is a technology that is 20-40 years in the future, but the ground is being broken today by Intel and others.

It's really interesting to imagine how something like programmable matter could affect the products we buy, how we sell, how we demonstrate usage, how a single product might be customizable to fit your needs in a way few of us could imaine. There are several articles out there on this subject. it's nice to dream.