Nice Q&A on the creation of the shopper insight council.
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Nice Q&A on the creation of the shopper insight council.
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Posted by
10:33 PM
Ok, this actually gave me the chills, which really doesn't happen too often. It's a really imaginative evolution of 3D online. It's most likely a combination of Papervision 3D and as you can see the use of a QR code (of sorts).
Regardless of the technology used, this is really a show stopper. Print out the QR-ish code and hold it up to the screen and a 3D world erupts on screen, mapped to the image on the paper - Amazing! The marketing and in-store opportunities for something like this could be HUGE. I'll definitely be looking more into this.
Try it out for yourself
Posted by
10:34 AM
Facebook is going through more IA and design changes to make its self a bit more 'real time', like Twitter. The last Facebook layout update (which most people still hate) really put the emphasis on your Facebook status, clearly a response to the popularity of Twitter, even at that point. So here we are again, Facebook is trying to overtake what Twitter has carved out for its self in the social networking arena.
See the posting at techcrunch
Posted by
2:33 PM
As you may know Tumblr is a social site that allows easy personal blogging of video, text, photos... etc. I noticed that you can also call in audio and have it posted to your blog page. I'm sure this feature isn't for everyone, but for those with some flair and personality, it could be a hit. If you come across any audio blogs, please post them in the comments.
Posted by
12:52 PM
Labels: audio, micro blogging, social networking, tumblr has a new online experience to check out. This is the 2nd time i've personally seen this type of information design in place, the other time i saw this was on Modernista's web site. I guess imitation is the best form of flattery. In short it's using social sites on the web to host their content. So friends of Skittles are on Facebook, videos are on YouTube. The main page their navigation sits on is Twitter. It's pulling in everyone who's talking about Skittles, which is pretty cool. Products are hosted on Wikipedia. This is still an interesting approach. Outside of this you can't help but realize that there are many ways for a brand to utilize social sites (Other than the obvious ways) and utilize their benefits.
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: brands, information architecture, navigation, social media, Twitter, wikipedia, youtube