Thursday, May 01, 2008

Whats a CTO?

A Chief Twitter Office, OMG, RME TISNF someone really landed this job at Comcast. Read on Twitterheads...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nifty Laser-Guided Wheelchair

This chair's computerized laser power says it all. Will the FDA hurry up and approve it already!?

Newsflash: people dig social media

Universal McCann has released some interesting survey statistics on social media. Use is up. People are even starting to understand that whole RSS thing.

- 83% watch video clips, up from 62% in the last study in June 2007
- 78% read blogs, up from 66%
- 57% of internet users are now members of a social network
- RSS consumption is growing rapidly up from 15% to 39%
- Podcasts are now mainstream digital content, listened to by 48%

More proof that social media isn't just a passing trend or blip on the radar. That doesn't mean that brands should scramble desperately to make use of these mediums. Relax, think and come up with compelling - not forced - ideas. There's nothing worse than a social media campaign made for the sake of being a social media campaign. Just because it's new and burgeoning doesn't mean it is immune from quality control.

Above we find the 13-million-view sneezing panda from YouTube, because a chart or graph would've be kinda boring.

Mobile Technology Meets Retail

An interesting, quick read featuring a sneak peak into the future highlighting patent development that will allow consumers to use their cell phones to pay for groceries.

This will open up a ton of targeting/programming options.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ecco, cool site.

I came across this site for Ecco shoes and aside from the long-ish load time, it's pretty sweet little site.

The way motion brought to life through the rotating ground is a nice, it's a different approach. Not to mention all the little things happening in the background. Also, I really like the deeper dive into shoes which shows how the shoe looks while walking. Nice Job.

MySpace: karaoke

If you're into Karaoke, this might be the new place for you. MySpace is launching karaoke. Now, i'm not a big Karaoke fan. (for some reason my voice is much better when singing in the car)

Check out the full article here at Yahoo.

Starbucks, you're breaking our hearts

It's nothing new that Starbucks has been experiencing declines in in-store traffic as of late. So, they've cut back on their projections for '08, shortly after promising to deliver a better web experience.

This coffee joint was never really known for providing the utmost in online user experience, despite priding itself on being one of the first means of social networking. As one source confirms, they've wasted potential and opportunity: "Starbucks had mastered social networking long before MySpace, Facebook and YouTube had any prominence. And yet, Starbucks focused almost exclusively on stores, dismissing the Web as a place to sell coffee beans, grinders and maybe some jazz CDs."

Ah, yes. It's also a Wi-Fi zone. Big deal. So are ten thousand other places that reek of coffee. Come on, Starbucks- make us web-savvy caffeine lovers proud. (I'll give them this: they have mentioned implementing a strong CRM platform, but where are the results?)

It seems the best they can do is, more or less, a weak hybrid between a "network" and online suggestion box:

"The Starbucks Experience grows, in part, from the unique combination of a shared passion for coffee and the exchange of great ideas. For years, Starbucks stores have served as the center of vibrant communities, welcoming customers and encouraging creativity and dialogue. Starbucks today announced the extension of that community beyond the doors of its stores with the launch of"

They're doing this to become even richer, essentially. Although profit makes the world go 'round, they're missing the point. Social networking is about appealing to people of the world...Just trust us on this one, Starbucks.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Making Print Interactive

We've been reading about QR Codes, SMS codes, and other ways to make interactive calls-to-action a working part of print media. The latest example comes from today's NY Times, which describes a program being tested by Rolling Stone and Jan Wenner to increase the value of print advertising in their magazine. 

In this case, you take a picture of various ads with your cell phone and email it in, and a photo recognition service (SnapTell, check them out here) translates what you've sent and forwards you more information.

This is a great idea that I wold have assumed would need QR codes to make it work. This service does not use QR codes. If the photo recognition software the Snaptell is using is powerful enough, it could do away with the need for QR codes or SMS short codes to add customized CTAs to print, OOH and packaging, and really accelerate the use of user-captured imagery to drive dialog between consumers and brands.

Logo Gone Bad.

"It cost £14,000 to create, but clearly no-one at the smart London design outfit that came up with the new logo for HM Treasury thought to turn it on its side...."

This is too funny.
A logo gone terribly wrong indeed, see the full article.

Limitless Paper in a Paperless World

A clip from The Office. The Dunder Mifflin Paper Company commercial premiere. All paper commercials should be this creative.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Take it From the Googleys

An example of the power of simple, straightforward approaches to really good design. The ten design principles that make Google googley:

1. Focus on people—their lives, their work, their dreams.

2. Every millisecond counts.

3. Simplicity is powerful.

4. Engage beginners and attract experts.

5. Dare to innovate.

6. Design for the world.

7. Plan for today's and tomorrow's business.

8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.

9. Be worthy of people's trust.

10. Add a human touch.

And, in case there was any doubt, take a philosophy lesson from the team.