Just about a month ago, Mags wrote a post about QR codes... which was followed by the idea of adding people to your facebook via codes printed on tee's... and so on and so forth. The timing of that post was certainly on the early adopter end of things.
Exactly one month later, City Search has announced that it will be partnering with Scanbuy to get users information through a trial program with 500 local businesses in San Francisco. These businesses (mostly restaurants) will be placing a scannable bar code outside their location or on billboards which users will "scan" with their camera enabled mobile phones. Via a downloadable application, Citysearch will serve up the mobile version of the Citysearch page, offering users information, promotions and user reviews.
The interesting point about this new technology is that some see this as a value ad to current ad spend on Citysearch - that without any additional spend, they will have potential customers milling around outside the business snapping pictures! The golden egg here will be to see if this can actually tie into overall ROI...
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